Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR4879.L7 Z7 1951 Sheridan Le Fanu. 1
PR4879.L7 Z77 Sheridan Le Fanu and Victorian Ireland / 1
PR4879.L7 Z78 1987 Sheridan Le Fanu / 1
PR4879.L7 Z87 2004 Le Fanu's gothic : the rhetoric of darkness / 1
PR4879.L7 Z95 2007 Vision and vacancy : the fictions of J.S. Le Fanu / 1
PR4879.L79 S26 1983 Jane Austen's Sanditon : a continuation / 1
PR4881 .A6 Attitudes and avowals : with some retrospective reviews / 1
PR4881 .A6 1966 Richard Le Gallienne : a centenary memoir-anthology / 1
PR4881 .B6 1895 The book-bills of Narcissus : an account rendered / 1
PR4881 .E5 1892 English poems / 1
PR4881 .J6 1922 A jongleur strayed : verses on love and other matters sacred and profane / 1
PR4881 .J8 1920 The junk-man, and other poems / 1
PR4881 .L6 The love-letters of the king, or, The life romantic / 1
PR4881 .L6 1901x Pub Binding The love-letters of the king, or, The life romantic / 1
PR4881 .L6 1914 cop.2 The lonely dancer : and other poems / 1
PR4881 .M3 1912 The maker of rainbows : and other fairy-tales and fables / 1
PR4881 .M7 1902 Mr. Sun and Mrs. Moon / 1
PR4881 .M9 1887 My ladies' sonnets and other "vain and amatorious" verses : with some of graver mood / 1
PR4881 .N4 New poems : by Richard Le Gallienne. 1
PR4881 .N4 cop. 2 New poems : by Richard Le Gallienne. 1