Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR5013 .E5 George Meredith : his life and friends in relation to his work / 1
PR5013 .E5 1920 George Meredith : his life and friends in relation to his work / 1
PR5013 .G3 George Meredith : les cinquante premières années (1828-1878) 1
PR5013 .G4 The life of George Meredith / 1
PR5013 .G46 1971eb George Meredith / 1
PR5013 .G75 1926 The writings & life of George Meredith : a centenary study / 1
PR5013 .H3 1911 George Meredith : his life and art in anecdote and criticism / 1
PR5013 .J4 1974 George Meredith : an essay towards appreciation / 1
PR5013 L5 1956 George Meredith, his life and work. 1
PR5013 P52 1913 George Meredith : his life, genius & teaching / 1
PR5013 .P7 George Meredith / 1
PR5013 .P7 1970 George Meredith / 1
PR5013 .S3 1948a Meredith / 1
PR5013 .S6 Hiding the skeleton : imagery in Feverel and Modern love, together with the original 1862 version of George Meredith's Modern love. 1
PR5013 .S7 1953 The ordeal of George Meredith : a biography. 1
PR5013 .S7 1967 The ordeal of George Meredith : a biography. 1
PR5013 .W5 George Meredith : his life and lost love / 1
PR5014 .B3 1907 The novels of George Meredith : a study / 1
PR5014 .B36 2012 George Meredith / 1
PR5014 .B4 1970 Meredith: a change of masks: a study of the novels.
Meredith: a change of masks : a study of the novels.