Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR535.L7 D57 2008 Desire and gender in the sonnet tradition / 1
PR535.L7 D57 2008eb Desire and gender in the sonnet tradition 1
PR535.L7 D83 1995 Echoes of desire : English Petrarchism and its counterdiscourses / 1
PR535.L7 E88 1994 Laura : uncovering gender and genre in Wyatt, Donne, and Marvell /
Laura uncovering gender and genre in Wyatt, Donne, and Marvell /
PR535.L7 F4 All in war with time : love poetry of Shakespeare, Donne, Jonson, Marvell / 2
PR535.L7 G73 2019 Latin erotic elegy and the shaping of sixteenth-century English love poetry : lascivious poets / 2
PR535.L7 H46 1995 Passion made public : Elizabethan lyric, gender, and performance / 2
PR535.L7 L68 1993 The reinvention of love : poetry, politics, and culture from Sidney to Milton / 2
PR535.L7 L68 1993eb The reinvention of love : poetry, politics, and culture from Sidney to Milton / 1
PR535.L7 M38 The concept of love in Sidney and Spenser / 1
PR535.L7 P4 1933 Elizabethan love conventions / 1
PR535.L7 P4 1966 Elizabethan love conventions / 1
PR535.L7 P4 1966a Elizabethan love conventions. / 1
PR535.L7 P48 1995 Love's remedies : recantation and renaissance lyric poetry / 1
PR535.L7 R45 1993 Renaissance discourses of desire / 2
PR535.L7 R46 2012 Renaissance tales of desire : Hermaphroditus and Salmacis, Theseus and Ariadne, Ceyx and Alcoine and Orpheus his journey to hell / 1
PR535.M29 A new mery balad of a maid that wold mary wyth a seruyng man 1
PR535.M33 S94 2023 The environmental unconscious : ecological poetics from Spenser to Milton / 2
PR535.M37 H43 1988 Power in verse : metaphor and metonymy in the Renaissance lyric / 1
PR535.M37 R8 The conceit / 1