Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR5550 .E84 1905 The works of Alfred Lord Tennyson, poet laureate. 1
PR5550 .E95b The works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson, poet laureate / 1
PR5550 .E96 The works of Alfred Lord Tennyson : poet laureate / 1
PR5550 .E97 The complete poetical works of Alfred Tennyson. 1
PR5550 .E98 The poetic and dramatic works of Alfred, lord Tennyson. 1
PR5550 .E98 1891 The complete works of Alfred Lord Tennyson. 1
PR5550 .E98a The poetic and dramatic works of Alfred, lord Tennyson. 1
PR5550 .F02 Lord Tennyson / 1
PR5550 .F10 Poems of Alfred Lord Tennyson, 1830-1865 / 1
PR5550 .F13 1925 The works of Tennyson / 1
PR5550 .F13a The works of Tennyson / 1
PR5550 .F38 The poems and plays of Alfred lord Tennyson. 1
PR5550 .F50 Poems of Alfred Lord Tennyson / 1
PR5550 .F53 Poetical works including the plays. 1
PR5550 .F65 Poems and plays / 1
PR5550 .F69 The poems of Tennyson / 1
PR5550 .F70 The works of Tennyson / 1
PR5550 .F87 The poems of Tennyson / 1
PR5551 .1869 Poems / 1
PR5551 1895 Select poems of Alfred lord Tennyson / 1