Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR555.S8 S65 The insistence of horror : aspects of the supernatural in eighteenth-century poetry. 1
PR555.V4 A3 Graces of harmony : alliteration, assonance, and consonance in eighteenth-century British poetry / 2
PR555.V4 V65 2015eb Voice and context in eighteenth-century verse : order in variety / 1
PR555.W6 B33 2005 Eighteenth-century women poets and their poetry : inventing agency, inventing genre / 1
PR555.W6 B33 2005eb Eighteenth-century women poets and their poetry : inventing agency, inventing genre /
Eighteenth-century women poets and their poetry inventing agency, inventing genre /
PR555.W6 F47 1995 Eighteenth-century women poets : nation, class, and gender / 2
PR555.W6 F47 1995eb Eighteenth-century women poets : nation, class, and gender / 1
PR555.W6 K45 2005 Poetry and the feminine from Behn to Cowper / 1
PR555.W6 K46 2013 Poetic sisters : early eighteenth-century women poets /
Poetic Sisters : Early Eighteenth-Century Women Poets.
PR555.W6 L36 1990 The muses of resistance : laboring-class women's poetry in Britain, 1739-1796 / 1
PR555.W6 W65 2003 Women and poetry, 1660-1750 / 1
PR555.W6 W66 1999 Women's poetry in the Enlightenment : the making of a canon, 1730-1820 / 1
PR559.B8 B6 English burlesque poetry, 1700-1750 / 1
PR559.B8 B6 1964 English burlesque poetry, 1700-1750. 1
PR559.E45 V3 Verses on the death of the right valiant Sr Bevill Grenvill, Knight. Who was slaine by the rebels, on Landsdown-hill neare Bath, Iuly. 5. 1643. 1
PR559.E75 D69 1991 The epistolary moment : the poetics of the eighteenth-century verse epistle / 1
PR559.E75 D69 2014 The Epistolary Moment : the Poetics of the Eighteenth-Century Verse Epistle. 1
PR559.E75 O94 2007 The eighteenth-century British verse epistle
The eighteenth-century British verse epistle /
PR559.M63 Mock-heroic from Butler to Cowper : an English genre and discourse / 1
PR559.M63 B7613 1990 The eighteenth-century mock-heroic poem / 1