Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR5688.M44 M37 2007eb New men in Trollope's novels : rewriting the Victorian male / 1
PR5688.P6 G67 2023 The politics of public opinion in the novels of Anthony Trollope : a 'tenth muse' / 1
PR5688.P6 H3 1977b Trollope and politics : a study of the Pallisers and others / 1
PR5688.P6 T87 2000 Trollope and the magazines : gendered issues in mid-Victorian Britain / 1
PR5688.P8 E4 Anthony Trollope, his perception of character and the traumatic experience / 1
PR5688.S43 B87 2004 Seductive strategies in the novels of Anthony Trollope (1815-1882) / 1
PR5688.S8 C5 The language and style of Anthony Trollope / 2
PR5688.S8 E66 1989 Patterns of repetition in Trollope / 1
PR5688.W6 He knew she was right : the independent woman in the novels of Anthony Trollope / 1
PR5688.W6 M67 1987 Women in Trollope's Palliser novels / 1
PR5688.W6 N37 1989 He knew she was right : the independent woman in the novels of Anthony Trollope / 1
PR5688.W6 W35 1995 Patriarchal desire and Victorian discourse : a Lacanian reading of Anthony Trollope's Palliser novels / 1
PR5688.W6 W5 1982 The androgynous Trollope : attitudes to women amongst early Victorian novelists / 2
PR5692.R63 S95 1990 Romanticism and Anthony Trollope : a study in the continuities of nineteenth-century literary thought / 2
PR5699.T3 L5 1836 The life and adventures of Jonathan Jefferson Whitlaw, or, Scenes on the Mississippi / 1
PR5699.T3 L53 1968 The life and adventures of Michael Armstrong : the factory boy / 1
PR5699.T3 L54 1836i The life and adventures of Jonathan Jefferson Whitlaw, or, Scenes on the Mississippi 1
PR5699.T3 V5 1838 The Vicar of Wrexhill / 1
PR5699.T3 W5 1839 The widow Barnaby / 1
PR5699.T3 W53 1840 The widow married : a sequel to "The widow Barnaby" / 1