Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR5908.O25 F5 Yeats and magic : the earlier works / 1
PR5908.O25 F5 1977b Yeats and magic : the earlier works / 1
PR5908.O25 G67 1996 Yeats and alchemy / 1
PR5908.O25 G67 1996eb Yeats and alchemy / 1
PR5908.O25 H37 1974b Yeats's Golden Dawn / 1
PR5908.O25 H68 1984 The mystery religion of W.B. Yeats / 1
PR5908.O25 L43 2007 Esoteric symbols : the tarot in Yeats, Eliot, and Kafka / 1
PR5908.O25 M66 2008  
PR5908.O25 M66 2008eb Yeats and theosophy / 2
PR5908.O25 R3 Yeats, the tarot, and the Golden Dawn / 1
PR5908.O25 Y4 Yeats and the occult / 1
PR5908.P4 M5 1977 The noble drama of W. . Yeats /
The noble drama of W. B. Yeats /
PR5908.P5 B6 1982 Yeats and Nietzsche : an exploration of major Nietzschean echoes in the writings of William Butler Yeats / 2
PR5908.P5 M33 2010 'We Irish' in Europe : Yeats, Berkeley and Joseph Hone / 1
PR5908.P5 O45 The rhizome and the flower : the perennial philosophy, Yeats and Jung / 1
PR5908P5 O45  
PR5908.P5 O46 1987 Mask and tragedy : Yeats and Nietzsche, 1902-10 / 1
PR5908.P5 S6 High talk : the philosophical poetry of W. B. Yeats.
High talk; the philosophical poetry of W. B. Yeats.
PR5908.P5 T5 William Butler Yeats und Friedrich Nietzsche / 1
PR5908.P58 .P64 2005 The poetry of W. B. Yeats / 1