Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR594 .S8 1899 Under the microscope / 1
PR594 .W48 1995 Hardy to Larkin : seven English poets / 1
PR595.A34 L45 2007 On form : poetry, aestheticism, and the legacy of a word / 1
PR595.A34.L45 2007 On Form : Poetry, Aestheticism, and the Legacy of a Word. 1
PR595.A34 S528 2014 The ghost behind the masks : the Victorian poets and Shakespeare / 1
PR595.A34 S53 1987 The lucid veil : poetic truth in the Victorian Age / 1
PR595.A34 S53 2014 The ghost behind the masks : the Victorian poets and Shakespeare / 1
PR595.A79 L36 2000 Camelot in the nineteenth century : Arthurian characters in the poems of Tennyson, Arnold, Morris, and Swinburne / 1
PR595.B37 D4 1989 Bardic style in the poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins, W.B. Yeats, & Dylan Thomas / 1
PR595.C55 F6 The lost pattern : essays on the emergent city sensibility in Victorian England / 2
PR595.C67 K54 1999 Romantic aversions : aftermaths of Classicism in Wordsworth and Coleridge / 1
PR595.C678 K45 2011 Victorian poetry, Europe, and the challenge of cosmopolitanism / 2
PR595.C75 O37 2008 Crime in verse : the poetics of murder in the Victorian era / 2
PR595.C76 H683 2021 The Crimean War in Victorian poetry 1
PR595.D36 M55 1998 Dante and the Victorians / 1
PR595.D47 T4 Victorian devotional poetry : the tractarian mode / 1
PR595.F34 P37 1998 Response to failure : poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins, Francis Thompson, Lionel Johnson, and Dylan Thomas / 1
PR595.F37 S53 2018 Parting words : Victorian poetry and public address / 1
PR595.H5 Victorian poetry : poetry, poetics and politics / 1
PR595.H5 A76 1993 Victorian poetry : poetry, poetics and politics / 1