PR6019 .O9 1977 v.2-3
Notes, criticism, translations & miscellaneous writings : a facsimile of manuscripts & typescripts / |
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PR6019 .O9 1977 v.4
Dubliners : a facsimile of drafts & manuscripts / |
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PR6019 .O9 1977 v.7
A portrait of the artist as a young man : a facsimile of epiphanies, notes, manuscripts, & typescripts / |
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PR6019 .O9 1977 v.8
A portrait of the artist as a young man : a facsimile of the manuscript fragments of Stephen Hero / |
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PR6019 .O9 1977 v.9-10
A portrait of the artist as a young man : a facsimile of the final holograph manuscript / |
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PR6019 .O9 1977 v.11
Exiles : a facsimile of notes, manuscripts & galley proofs / |
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PR6019 .O9 1977 v.12
Ulysses : notes & 'Telemachus', 'Scylla and Charybdis' : a facsimile of notes for the book & manuscripts & typescripts for episodes 1-9 / |
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PR6019 .O9 1977 v.13
Ulysses : "Wandering rocks," "Sirens," "Cyclops" & "Nausicaa" : a facsimile of, manuscripts & typescripts for episodes 10-13 / |
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PR6019 .O9 1977 v.15
Ulysses, "Circe" & "Eumaeus" : a facsimile of manuscripts & typescripts for episodes 15 (part II) & 16 / |
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PR6019 .O9 1977 v.17
Ulysses, 'Telemachus,''Nestor,' 'Proteus,' 'Calypso,' 'Lotus eaters,' & 'Hades' : a facsimile of placards for episodes 1-6 / |
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PR6019 .O9 1977 v.18
Ulysses, 'Aeolus,' 'Lestrygonians,' 'Scylla and Charybdis,' & 'Wandering rocks' : a facsimile of placards for episodes 7-10 / |
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PR6019 .O9 1977 v.19
Ulysses : 'Sirens,' 'Cyclops,' 'Nausicaa' & 'Oxen of the sun' : a facsimile of placards for episodes 11-14 / |
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PR6019 .O9 1977 v.20
Ulysses, "Circe" & "Eumaeus" a facsimile of placards for episodes 15-16 / |
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PR6019 .O9 1977 v.21
Ulysses, "Ithaca" & "Penelope" : a facsimile of placards for episodes 17-18 / |
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PR6019 .O9 1977 v.22
Ulysses, 'Telemachus,' 'Nestor,' 'Proteus,' Calypso,' 'Lotus eaters,' & : a facsimile of page proofs for episodes 1-6 / |
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PR6019 .O9 1977 v.23
Ulysses, "Aeolus," "Lestrygonians," & "Scylla and Charybdis" : a facsimile of page proofs for episodes 7-9 / |
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PR6019 .O9 1977 v.24
Ulysses, 'Wandering rocks' & 'Sirens' : a facsimile of page proofs for episodes 10 & 11 / |
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PR6019.O9 1977 v.25
Ulysses, "Cyclops," "Nausicaa," & "Oxen of the sun" : a facsimile of page proofs for episodes 12-14 / |
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PR6019 .O9 1977 v.26
Ulysses, "Circe" : a facsimile of page proofs for episode 15 / |
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PR6019 .O9 1977 v.27
Ulysses : "Eumaeus," "Ithaca," & "Penelope" : a facsimile of page proofs for episodes 16-18 / |
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