Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR605.W3S73 2008 PR605.W3 Survivors' Songs : From Maldon to the Somme. 1
PR605.W3 T94 2005 Twentieth-century war poetry / 1
PR605.W6 Poetry off the page : twentieth-century British women poets in performance /
Networking the nation : British and American women's poetry and Italy, 1840-1870 /
Form and modernity in women's poetry, 1895-1922 : a line of her own /
PR605.W6 C36 2011 The Cambridge companion to twentieth-century British and Irish women's poetry / 1
PR605.W6 C66 2000 Contemporary women's poetry : reading, writing, practice / 1
PR605.W6 D68 2005 A history of twentieth-century British women's poetry / 2
PR605.W6 D69 2002 Women, modernism and British poetry, 1910-1939 : resisting femininity / 1
PR605.W6D69 2002 Women, Modernism and British Poetry, 1910-1939 Resisting Femininity. 1
PR605.W6 D69 2016 Women, modernism and British poetry, 1910--1939 : resisting femininity / 1
PR605.W6 H68 2012 Medea's chorus : myth and women's poetry since 1950 / 1
PR605.W6 M663 2021 Opinions, publics and pressure groups ; an essay on 'Vox populi' and representative government / 1
PR605.W6 R44 2005 Consorting with angels : essays on modern women poets / 2
PR605.W6 R47 2019 Lyric pedagogy and Marxist-feminism : social reproduction and the institutions of poetry / 1
PR 605 .W6 S48 2003  
PR605.W6 S48 2004 Poetry off the page : twentieth-century British women poets in performance / 1
PR605.W65 Modernist war poetry : combat gnosticism and the sympathetic imagination, 1914-19 / 2
PR605.W65 B75 2000 British poets of the Great War : Brooke, Rosenberg, Thomas : a documentary volume / 2
PR605.W65 B95 1995 War, women, and poetry, 1914-1945 : British and German writers and activists / 1
PR605.W65 C34 1993 Taking it like a man : suffering, sexuality and the war poets : Brooke, Sassoon, Owen, Graves / 1
PR605.W65 C36 2013 The Cambridge companion to the poetry of the First World War / 1