Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR6066.O96 D4 1979 De morandi / 1
PR6066.O976 C7 Crucible of fools / 1
PR6066.O976 C7 1990 Crucible of fools / 1
PR6066.O976 K5 1986 The killing of yesterday's children / 2
PR6066.O98 H8 The hungry grass / 1
PR6066.O995 A6 2000 Plays one / 1
PR6066.O995 A6 2002 Plays two / 1
PR6066.O995 A6 2003 Plays for one person : Rousseau's tale, Crates on barrels, Later / 1
PR6066.O995 A6 2006 The Lancaster plays : Gaunt, Lile Jimmy Williamson, Buck Ruxton, A tale of two town halls / 1
PR6066.O995 A94 An audience called Édouard / 1
PR6066.O995 G47 1998 Getting the picture / 1
PR6066.O995 M3 1983 Master class / 2
PR6066.O995 W4 1989 The white cutter / 1
PR6066.R325 S53 1991 The side of the moon / 1
PR6066.R34 Terry Pratchett.
Terry Pratchett's narrative worlds : from giant turtles to small gods /
Terry Pratchett could save the world /
PR6066.R34 B58 2012 A blink of the screen : collected shorter fiction / 1
PR6066.R34 C6 1983b The colour of magic / 1
PR6066.R34 E6 1987 Equal rites / 1
PR6066.R34 F44 1996 Feet of clay : a novel of Discworld / 1
PR6066.R34 G65 2004 Going postal : a novel of Discworld / 1