Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR658.R45 K56 2020 Civil vengeance : literature, culture, and early modern revenge / 1
PR658.R45 M35 2012 Family and the state in early modern revenge drama : economies of vengeance / 3
PR658.R45 O67 2019 The origins of English revenge tragedy / 1
PR658.R45 R48 2001 Revenge tragedy / 1
PR658.R45 R57 2008 Revenge tragedy and the drama of commemoration in reforming England / 1
PR658.R45 S5 1935 The theme of revenge in Elizabethean tragedy. 1
PR658.R45 W66 2010 English revenge drama : money, resistance, equality / 1
PR658.R45 W66 2010eb English revenge drama : money, resistance, equality / 1
PR658.R5 A5 The Tudor play of mind : rhetorical inquiry and the development of Elizabethan drama / 1
PR658.R55 Romance on the early modern stage English expansion before and after Shakespeare / 1
PR658.R55 M85 2013 Romance on the early modern stage : English expansion before and after Shakespeare / 1
PR658.R65 S73 2009 Staging early modern romance : prose fiction, dramatic romance, and Shakespeare / 1
PR658.R65 S73 2009eb Staging early modern romance : prose fiction, dramatic romance, and Shakespeare / 1
PR658.R86 B67 2009 Renaissance earwitnesses : rumor and early modern masculinity /
Renaissance earwitnesses rumor and early modern masculinity /
PR658.S39 Wanton Words Rhetoric and Sexuality in English Renaissance Drama
Desire and Dramatic Form in Early Modern England /
PR658.S39 D54 2011 Sexual types : embodiment, agency, and dramatic character from Shakespeare to Shirley / 3
PR658.S39 H33 2009 Desire and dramatic form in early modern England / 1
PR658.S4 B87 2003 Horrid spectacle : violation in the theater of early modern England / 2
PR658.S42 B35 2020 Spectrums of Shakespearean crossdressing : the art of performing women / 1
PR658.S42 B45 1985 The subject of tragedy / 1