Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR67 .H53 2008 "A hideous bit of morbidity" : an anthology of horror criticism from the Enlightenment to World War I / 1
PR67 .H6 The major critics : the development of English literary criticism / 1
PR67 .H8 English critical essays : twentieth century ; second series / 1
PR67 .I52 1963 In defense of reading : a reader's approach to literary criticism / 1
PR67 .J6 1922 English critical essays : (sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries) / 1
PR67 .J65 English critical essays : twentieth century / 1
PR67 .L38 Anna Karenina and other essays / 1
PR68-4 Directing the President to Prosecute Cancellation Suits of Certain Oil Lands Leases. 1
PR68-5 Navy and Marine Memorial Dedicated to Americans Lost at Sea, Washington, D.C. 1
PR68-10 "Serenity" Statute, Washington, D.C. 1
PR68-15 Membership with International Statistical Institute at the Hague. 1
PR68-16 U.S. Participation in Pan American Sanitary Conference, 1924. 1
PR68-17 Inter-American Committee on Electrical Communications Representative. 1
PR68-19 Interparliamentary Union Invitation for 1925 Conference. 1
PR68-21 Chinese Indemnity Payments Remission. 1
PR68-33 Free Mailing of Publications for the Blind. 1
PR68-36 D.C. Classification Act Correction, 1924. 1
PR68-37 Permitting Certain Aliens in Excess of Quotas to Remain Within the United States. 1
PR68-38 Bicentennial Celebration of George Washington's Birthday. 1
PR68-42 United States Botanic Garden Grounds. 1