Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR830.L69 C6 Man and woman : a study of love and the novel 1740-1940 / 2
PR830.L69 C6 1978 Man and woman : a study of love and the novel, 1740-1940 / 2
PR830.L69 F54 2016 Historical romance fiction heterosexuality and performativity / 1
PR830.L69 F56 2008 Historical romance fiction : heterosexuality and perfomativity / 1
PR830.L69 J85 1994 Reading from the heart : women, literature, and the search for true love / 2
PR830.L69 L38 1989 The Regency companion / 2
PR830.L69 P43 2007 Romance writing / 1
PR830.L69 P76 1986 The progress of romance : the politics of popular fiction /
The Progress of romance : the politics of popular fiction /
PR830.L69 P76 2017  
PR830.L69 R445 2003 A natural history of the romance novel / 1
PR830.L69 R66 1995 Romance revisited / 1
PR830.L69 S26 1997 El discurso femenino de la novela rosa en lengua inglesa / 1
PR830.L69 W36 1997 Novelistic love in the platonic tradition : Fielding, Faulkner, and the postmodernists / 1
PR830.L69 W55 2014 Women writers and the hero of romance / 1
PR830.M34 Marginality in the Contemporary British Novel. 1
PR830.M36 Consensual Fictions Women, Liberalism, and the English Novel
Primitive marriage : Victorian anthropology, the novel, and sexual modernity /
PR830.M36 J66 2005 Consensual fictions : women, liberalism, and the English novel / 1
PR830.M37 L57 2014 In quest of the self : masquerade and travel in the Eighteenth-Century novel : Fielding, Smollett, Sterne / 1
PR830.M44 B49 2010 The storyteller's memory palace : a method of interpretation based on the function of memory systems in literature : Geoffrey Chaucer, William Langland, Salman Rushdie, Angela Carter, Thomas Pynchon and Paul Auster / 1
PR830.M45 M55 1986 Women writing about men / 2