Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR8750 .Y4 Letters to the new island / 1
PR8752 Representing the national landscape in Irish Romanticism / 1
PR8752 .B88 2018 Irish writers in the Irish American press, 1882-1964 / 1
PR8752 .D38 2011 From Castle Rackrent to Castle Dracula : Anglo-Irish agrarian fiction in the nineteenth century / 1
PR8752 .F44 2002 Literature and the Irish famine, 1845-1919 / 1
PR8752 .F47 2002 The romantic national tale and the question of Ireland / 1
PR8752 .F57 1995 A man who does not exist : the Irish peasant in the work of W.B. Yeats and J.M. Synge / 2
PR8752 .H86 2006 Hungry words : images of famine in the Irish canon / 1
PR8752 .I54 1993 Woman and nation in Irish literature and society, 1880-1935 / 1
PR8752 .M67 2009 Disability, representation and the body in Irish writing, 1800-1922 / 1
PR8752 .M67 2009eb Disability, representation and the body in Irish writing, 1800-1922
Disability, representation and the body in Irish writing, 1800-1922 /
PR8752 .M69 1995 Anglo-Irish : the literary imagination in a hyphenated culture / 1
PR8752 .P88 2013eb The Celtic revival in Shakespeare's wake : appropriation and cultural politics in Ireland, 1867-1922 / 1
PR8752 .S64 2022 Representing magic in modern Ireland : belief, history, culture / 1
PR8752 .W75 2007 Ireland, India, and nationalism in nineteenth-century literature / 1
PR8752 .W75 2007eb Ireland, India, and nationalism in nineteenth-century literature / 1
PR8752 .W76 2014 Representing the national landscape in Irish romanticism / 1
PR8753 Transcultural insights into contemporary Irish literature and society : breaking new ground /
Modern Irish literature and the primitive sublime /
After Ireland : Writing the Nation from Beckett to the Present.
PR8753 .C34 2011 Irish literature in the celtic tiger years 1990 to 2008 : gender, bodies, memory / 1
PR8753 .C37 2016 Rebel by vocation : Seán O'Faoláin and the generation of The Bell / 1