PR9196.6 .P6
Popular performance plays of Canada / |
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PR9196.6 .P7 1980
Prairie performance : a collection of short plays / |
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PR9196.6 .P72
Prairie performance : a collection of short plays / |
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PR9196.6 .S48 2002
Seven short plays from Theatre Ontario / |
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PR9196.6 .S73 1999
Staging the North : 12 Canadian plays / |
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PR9196.62 .F58 2008
5 hot plays / |
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PR9196.62 .G58 2011
Give voice : ten twenty-minute plays from the Obsidian Theatre Company Playwrights Unit / |
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PR9196.62 .H68 2008
Hot thespian action! : ten premiere plays from Walterdale Playhouse / |
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PR9196.62 .H68 2008eb
Hot thespian action! : ten premiere plays from Walterdale Playhouse / |
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PR9196.62 .T65 2011
Tonight at the Tarragon : a critic's anthology / |
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PR9196.62 .V65 2022
PR9196.7.C48 G74 2012
The Green Thumb collection : plays for children, youth, and young adults / |
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PR9196.7.C48 P5 1980
Playmakers. |
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Two-spirit acts : queer indigenous performances / |
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PR9196.7.O5 F47
Courage, Mr. Greene : farce-comedy / |
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PR9196.7.O5 I573 2005
Instant applause : twenty-nine very short complete plays / |
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PR9196.7.O5 S53 2004
Snappy shorts at Tarragon Theatre / |
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ReView : an anthology of plays committed to social justice / |
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PR9196.7.W67 R45 2021
Reliving the trenches : memory plays by veterans of the Great War / |
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PR9197.25 .I59 1994
ʻImproved by cultivationʼ : an anthology of English-Canadian prose to 1914 / |
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