Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR9295.9.K67 C37 1992 Carmichael's dog / 2
PR9298.9.A17 A89 2009 The art of exile / 1
PR9299 The white dawn; an Eskimo saga, 1
PR9299.O555 Z63538 2013eb The L.M. Montgomery Reader. 1
PR9299.3 .G52S44 2015 Seep : a novel / 1
PR9300.05 .M87 2009 Becoming gauchos Ingleses : diasporic models in Irish-Argentine literature / 1
PR9300.9.M87 A38 2014 Air carnation / 1
PR9300.9.P84 E8 1982 Eternal curse on the reader of these pages / 2
PR9306.9.L38 N65 2018 A noise such as a man might make : a novel / 1
PR9306.9.R63 C45 2002 Chiaroscuro : poems in the dark / 1
Reader : Ariel Dorfman.
Death and the maiden /
Purgatorio /
Widows /
PR9309.9.D67 B5818 2001 Terapia / 1
PR9309.9.D67 B5818 2001b Blake's therapy / 1
PR9309.9.D67 D4 1992 Death and the maiden / 2
PR9309.9.D67 D4 1994 Death and the maiden / 1
PR9309.9.D67 D413 1995 La muerte y la doncella / 1
PR9309.9.D67 K66 1995 Konfidenz / 1
PR9309.9.D67 M36 2004 Manifesto for another world : voices from beyond the dark : words of witness from the Dalai Lama, Juliana Dogbadzi, Marian Wright Edelman, Baltasar Garzón, Vaclav Havel, Ka Hsaw Wa, Rigoberta Menchú Tum, Bobby Muller, Digna Ochoa, Marina Pisklakova, Sister Helen Prejean, José Ramos-Horta, Oscar Arias Sánchez, Kailash Satyarthi, Desmond Tutu, Koigi wa Wamwere, Elie Wiesel, José Zalaquett, and many others / 2
PR9309.9.D67 M37 1988 Mascara /
Mascara : a novel /
PR9309.9.D67 N36 1999 The nanny and the iceberg / 1