Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR9362.2 The worlding of the South African novel spaces of transition / 1
PR9362.2 .J33 2016eb Diaspora and Identity in South African Fiction. 2
PR9362.2 .M45 2012 African-Language Literatures : Perspectives on isiZulu fiction and popular black television series / 1
PR9362.2 .S76 2007 Somewhere in the double rainbow : representations of bisexuality in post-apartheid novels / 1
PR9362.5 .D38 1997 South Africa : a botched civilization? : racial conflict and identity in selected South African novels / 1
PR9362.5 D456 2016 Losing the Plot : Crime, Reality and Fiction in Postapartheid South African Writing. 1
PR9362.5 .G6 The South African novel in English since 1950 : an information and resource guide / 2
PR9362.5 K537 2014 The Past Coming to Roost in the Present : - Historicising History in Four Post-Apartheid South African Novels: André P. Brink's Imaginings of Sand, Zakes Mda's Ways of Dying, J.M. Coetzee's Disgrace, and Phaswane Mpe's Welcome to our Hillbrow. 1
PR9362.5 .K63 2016 Losing the Plot : Crime, reality and fiction in postapartheid South African writing / 1
PR9362.5 .M67 2003 Making use of history in new South African Fiction : an analysis of the purposes of historical perspectives in three post-apartheid novels / 1
PR9362.5 .P43 1997 A morbid fascination : white prose and politics in apartheid South Africa / 1
PR9362.5 .S6 The South African novel in English : essays in criticism and society / 1
PR9362.5 .W37 1989 Chronicles of darkness / 1
PR9362.52 .S56 2022 The short story in South Africa : contemporary trends and perspectives / 1
PR9362.6.C45 M34 2001 Apartheid and racism in South African children's literature, 1985-1995 / 1
PR9362.6.C45 M34 2001eb Apartheid and racism in South African children's literature, 1985-1995 / 1
PR9362.6.C64 G35 2002 Truth and reconciliation : the confessional mode in South African literature / 1
PR9362.6.D48 Women and crime in post-transitional South African crime fiction : a study of female victims, perpetrators and detectives / 1
PR9362.6.E17 F74 2010 Reconsiderations : South African Indian fiction and the making of race in postcolonial culture / 1
PR9363 .S691 1982 South African Jewish voices / 1