PR9390.9.G37 E44 2009
An elegy for Easterly : stories / |
1 |
PR9390.9.G37 O95 2019
Out of darkness, shining light : a novel / |
1 |
PR9390.9.H37 W66 1995
A woman of Africa / |
1 |
PR9390.9.H56 L44 1992
The legacy / |
1 |
PR9390.9.H68 B6 1990
Bones / |
1 |
PR9390.9.H68 S52 1992
Shadows / |
1 |
PR9390.9.H82 H834 2010
The Hairdresser of Harare. |
1 |
PR9390.9.H82 L53 2021
The library of the dead / |
1 |
PR9390.9.H82 M345 2014
The maestro, the magistrate & the mathematician / |
1 |
PR9390.9.L54 V65 2009
The voluptuous delights of peanut butter and jam / |
1 |
PR9390.9.M29 Z46 1996
Zenzele : a letter for my daughter / |
2 |
The Zimbabwean maverick : Dambudzo Marechera and utopian thinking / |
1 |
PR9390.9.M3 C46 1992
Cemetery of mind : collected poems of Dambudzo Marechera / |
1 |
PR9390.9.M3 H6314 1981
Haus des Hungers : Erzählungen / |
1 |
PR9390.9.M3 S37 1994
Scrapiron Blues / |
1 |
PR9390.9.M3 Z65 1999
Emerging perspectives on Dambudzo Marechera / |
1 |
PR9390.9.M3 Z83 2001
No room for cowardice : a view of the life and times of Dambudzo Marechera / |
1 |
PR9390.9.M3 Z86 2013
Reading Marechera / |
1 |
PR9390.9.M3 Z94 1992
Dambudzo Marechera : a source book on his life and work / |
1 |
PR9390.9.M3 Z945 2022
They Called You Dambudzo : a Memoir / |
1 |