Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR9619.3.M32 C7 1985b A creed for the third millennium / 1
PR9619.3.M32 F57 1990 The first man in Rome / 1
PR9619.3.M32 F67 1993 Fortune's favorites / 1
PR9619.3.M32 G7 2003 The grass crown / 1
PR9619.3.M32 I5 1981 An indecent obsession / 1
PR9619.3.M32 L3 1987 The ladies of Missalonghi / 1
PR9619.3.M32 O28 2002 The October horse / 1
PR9619.3.M32 T5 1977 The thorn birds / 1
PR9619.3.M32 T55 1974 Tim / 1
PR9619.3.M32 Z63 1996 Colleen McCullough : a critical companion / 1
PR9619.3.M3234 A15 1997 1988 / 1
PR9619.3.M3234 U53 2006 The tread of a white man's foot : Australian Pacific colonialism and the cinema, 1925-62 /
Underground /
PR9619.3.M325 C66 1996 Common knowledge / 1
PR9619.3.M325 O54 1992 Only lawyers dancing / 2
PR9619.3.M3266 S93 1993 Sweet water-stolen land / 1
PR9619.3.M3267 F57 1994 Flying the coop : new and selected poems, 1972-1994 / 1
PR9619.3.M3268 S6 1999 Souls in the great machine / 1
PR9619.3.M35 T48 1984 This river is in the south / 1
PR9619.3.M37 G73 1995 The grass sister / 1
PR9619.3.M37 Z526 2017eb On John Marsden : Writers on Writers. 1