Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR9619.3.S244 ebook El niño perro / 1
PR9619.3.S246 A6 1998 New and selected poems / 1
PR9619.3.S246 C74 2001 A cretive life / 1
PR9619.3.S27 F6 1987 A formula for glass / 1
PR9619.3.S274 E7 1993 The estuary / 2
PR9619.3.S274 H6 1991 The house Tibet /
The house tibet /
PR9619.3.S276 S294 2019 Misfits and Me : Collected Non-fiction. 1
PR9619.3.S37 S7 1986 St Clair : three narratives / 1
PR9619.3.S373 T43 2011 That deadman dance : a novel / 1
PR9619.3.S373 Z63 2016 A companion to the works of Kim Scott / 2
PR9619.3.S44 Babylon / 1
PR9619.3.S47 A17 1978 Selected poems / 1
PR9619.3.S47 A6 1989 Selected poems 1956-1988 / 1
PR9619.3.S47 C58 1995 The city of home / 1
PR9619.3.S47 T7 1987 Travel dice / 1
PR9619.3.S47 W4 1983 Welcome! : poems / 2
PR9619.3.S477 A6 2017 The poetic eye : occasional writings 1982-2012 / 1
PR9619.3.S497 El efecto matrimonio /
El proyecto esposa
PR9619.3 .S5 Something in the blood : short stories / 1
PR9619.3.S52 S62 2004 The sparrow garden / 1