Call Number (LC) Title Results
PS151 .G8 2009 The color of democracy in women's regional writing / 2
PS151 .H35 2019 Faraway women and the Atlantic monthly / 1
PS151 .H36 1996 D.H. Lawrence and nine women writers / 2
PS151 .H45 2011 Domesticity and design in American women's lives and literature : Stowe, Alcott, Cather, and Wharton writing home / 1
PS151 .H53 2008 Degrees of freedom : American women poets and the women's college, 1905-1955 / 1
PS151 .H57 2016 A History of Twentieth-Century American Women's Poetry /
A history of twentieth-century American women's poetry /
PS151 .I25 2009 I made you to find me : the coming of age of the woman poet and the politics of poetic address /
I made you to find me the coming of age of the woman poet and the politics of poetic address /
PS151 .I52 2009 In the frame : women's ekphrastic poetry from Marianne Moore to Susan Wheeler / 1
PS151 .J65 1993 Heretics & hellraisers : women contributors to The Masses, 1911-1917 / 1
PS151 .J77 2003 A desire for women : relational psychoanalysis, writing, and relationships between women / 1
PS151 .J8 1976b Naked and fiery forms : modern American poetry by women, a new tradition / 2
PS151 .K43 1996 Women reading women writing : self-invention in Paula Gunn Allen, Gloria AnzaldĂșa, and Audre Lorde / 1
PS151 .K45 1997 Forms of expansion : recent long poems by women / 2
PS151 .K453 2010 Thinking poetry : readings in contemporary women's exploratory poetics / 2
PS151 .K46 2007 "Keeping up her geography" : women's writing and geocultural space in twentieth-century U.S. literature and culture / 1
PS151 .K49 2010 Playing smart : New York women writers and modern magazine culture /
Playing smart New York women writers and modern magazine culture /
PS151 .K56 1994 Poetics of the feminine : authority and literary tradition in William Carlos Williams, Mina Loy, Denise Levertov, and Kathleen Fraser / 2
PS151 .K56 1994eb Poetics of the feminine : authority and literary tradition in William Carlos Williams, Mina Loy, Denise Levertov, and Kathleen Fraser / 1
PS151 .L34 2014 Confronting Visuality in Multi-Ethnic Women's Writing /
Confronting visuality in multi-ethnic women's writing /
PS151 .L48 1997 Ladies laughing : wit as control in contemporary American women writers / 1