Call Number (LC) Title Results
PS169.P35 H84 2015 The arresting eye : race and the anxiety of detection / 1
PS169.P35 H84 2015eb The arresting eye : race and the anxiety of detection / 1
PS169.P35 N46 2018 Neo-passing : performing identity after Jim Crow / 1
PS169.P35 P37 1996 Passing and the fictions of identity /
Passing and the fictions of identity
PS169.P36 R44 1989 Refiguring the father : new feminist readings of patriarchy / 1
PS169.P47 B65 2010 They aren't, until I call them : performing the subject in American literature / 1
PS169.P53 Spirits of place in American literary culture / 1
PS169.P53 G38 2018 Spirits of place in American literary culture / 1
PS169.P55 O75 1991 Sporting with the gods : the rhetoric of play and game in American culture / 1
PS169.P63 A76 2013 Composing cultures : modernism, American literary studies, and the problem of culture / 1
PS169.P63 A76 2013eb Composing Cultures : Modernism, American Literary Studies, and the Problem of Culture. 1
PS169.P64 B68 2006 The spectacle of death : populist literary responses to American capital cases / 1
PS169.P68 ǂb R53 2006eb A Natural History of Pragmatism : the Fact of Feeling from Jonathan Edwards to Gertrude Stein / 1
PS169.P68 G75 2013 Experience and experimental writing : literary pragmatism from Emerson to the Jameses / 1
PS169.P68 R53 2007 A natural history of pragmatism : the fact of feeling from Jonathan Edwards to Gertrude Stein / 1
PS169.P7 T4 1989 The great prairie fact and literary imagination / 1
PS169.P79 "Foreign bodies" : trauma, corporeality, and textuality in contemporary American culture / 1
PS169.R28 Racism and xenophobia in early twentieth-century American fiction : when a house is not a home /
Genre and white supremacy in the postemancipation United States /
PS169.R28 B47 2005 Taboo subjects : race, sex, and psychoanalysis / 1
PS169.R28 F67 2019 Genre and white supremacy in the postemancipation United States / 1