Call Number (LC) Title Results
PS221 .S6 Money writes! 2
PS221 .S625 1990 Sixteen modern American authors : volume 2, a survey of research and criticism since 1972 / 1
PS221 .S63 2016 Transpacific community : America, China, and the rise and fall of a cultural network / 1
PS221 .S64 The red hot vacuum : and other pieces on the writing of the sixties. 1
PS221 .S64 1979 The red hot vacuum & other pieces on the writing of the sixties / 2
PS221 .S65 1992 Countries of the mind : literary explorations / 1
PS221 .S66 A time of harvest, American literature, 1910-1960. 1
PS221 .S73 2018 Practices of surprise in American literature after Emerson / 1
PS221 .S774 2023 Telling America's story to the world : literature, internationalism, cultural diplomacy / 1
PS221 .S78 Stiletto. 1
PS221.S783 2013 American literature and Irish culture, 1910-55 : the politics of enchantment. 1
PS221 .S8 1965 American literature in the twentieth century. 1
PS221 .S86 2013 The work of revision / 1
PS221 .T48 American writing in the twentieth century. 1
PS221 .T5 1957 American writing today : its independence and vigor / 1
PS221 .V3 Many minds / 1
PS221 .V3 1966 Many minds : critical essays on American writers. 1
PS221 .W3 1932 American literature, 1880-1930 / 1
PS221 .W4 The writer in the room / 1
PS221 .W5 Spokesmen: modern writers and American life / 1