Call Number (LC) Title Results
PS303 .N48 1998 The lines's eye : poetic experience, American sight / 1
PS303 .O4 1983 On a high horse : views mostly of Latin American & Texan poetry / 1
PS303 .O6 History of American verse (1610-1897) / 1
PS303 .P4 The continuity of American poetry. 1
PS303 .P68 2015 Future-founding poetry : topographies of beginnings from Whitman to the twenty-first century / 1
PS303 .P68 2015eb Future-founding poetry : topographies of beginnings from Whitman to the twenty-first century / 1
PS303 .R36 2020 Poetic encounters in the Americas : remarkable bridge / 1
PS303 .S58 1988 American poetry : the puritans through Walt Whitman / 1
PS303 .S67 A short history of American poetry. 2
PS303 .S7 1885 Poets of America. 1
PS303 .V5 La poésie américaine : trois siècles de poésie lyrique et de poèmes narratifs. 1
PS303 .V64 1987 Voices & visions : the poet in America / 2
PS303 .V65 1987b Voices & visions : the poet in America / 1
PS303 .W3 1984 American poets, from the Puritans to the present / 1
PS303 .W4 The American way of poetry / 1
PS303 .W4 1964 The American way of poetry / 1
PS303 .W44 2006 Making a poem : some thoughts about poetry and the people who write it / 1
PS303 .W45 The beginnings of American poetry, 1620-1855. 1
PS303 .W5 1929 Hunters of heaven : the American soul as revealed by its poetry / 1
PS305 Songs of Ourselves : The Uses of Poetry in America.
The lyric in the age of the brain /