Call Number (LC) Title Results
PS310.N3 E26 2002 Ecopoetry : a critical introduction / 1
PS310.N3 E26 2018 Ecopoetics : essays in the field / 1
PS310.N3 E43 1996 Imagining the earth : poetry and the vision of nature / 1
PS310.N3 F45 2009 Can poetry save the earth? : a field guide to nature poems /
Can poetry save the earth? a field guide to nature poems /
PS310.N3 G55 2002 Greening the lyre : environmental poetics and ethics / 2
PS310.N3 G55 2002eb Greening the lyre : environmental poetics and ethics / 1
PS310.N3 K65 2012 Ecopoetics : the language of nature, the nature of language / 1
PS310.N3 K65 2012eb Ecopoetics the language of nature, the nature of language / 1
PS310.N3 N65 2017 Unnatural ecopoetics : unlikely spaces in contemporary poetry / 1
PS310.N3 Q48 2000 Back from the far field : American nature poetry in the late twentieth century / 2
PS310 .N3 R37 2002 This Compost : Ecological Imperatives in American Poetry. 2
PS310.N3 R37 2002 This compost : ecological imperatives in American poetry / 1
PS310.N3 R66 2018 Remainders : American poetry at nature's end / 1
PS310.N3 R66 2018eb Remainders : American poetry at nature's end / 1
PS310.N3 R68 1991 Reading & writing nature : the poetry of Robert Frost, Wallace Stevens, Marianne Moore, and Elizabeth Bishop / 1
PS310.N3 S38 1999 Sustainable poetry : four American ecopoets / 2
PS310.N4 The Black arts enterprise and the production of African American poetry 2
PS310.N4 A34 2016 African American haiku : cultural visions / 1
PS310.N4 A43 2007 Power and possibility : essays, reviews, and interviews / 2
PS310.N4 B65 2004 Afro-blue : improvisations in African American poetry and culture / 1