Call Number (LC) Title Results
PS310.S33 S63 2021 Poetics of liveliness : molecules, fibers, tissues, clouds / 1
PS310.S33 W36 2011 Resistance to science in contemporary American poetry / 1
PS310.S34 B94 1989 What I cannot say : self, word, and world in Whitman, Stevens, and Merwin / 2
PS310.S34 E45 1987 The poetics of impersonality : T.S. Eliot and Ezra Pound / 1
PS310.S34 G37 1989 Discovering ourselves in Whitman : the contemporary American long poem / 1
PS310.S34 H65 1999 The old formalism : character in contemporary American poetry / 2
PS310.S34 M35 1995 Creating another self : voice in modern American personal poetry / 1
PS310.S34 M35 2005 Creating another self : voice in modern American personal poetry / 1
PS310.S34 P64 1997 Poetics in the poem : critical essays on American self-reflexive poetry / 1
PS310.S34 W35 1991 Masks outrageous and austere : culture, psyche, and persona in modern women poets / 1
PS310.S34 W35 1991eb Masks outrageous and austere : culture, psyche, and persona in modern women poets / 1
PS310.S34 W54 1984 Introspection and contemporary poetry / 2
PS310.S7 The Objectivist Nexus: Essays in Cultural Poetics. 1
PS310.S7 A52 2006 Industrial poetics : demo tracks for a mobile culture / 2
PS310.S7 B55 2009 Language and the renewal of society in Walt Whitman, Laura (Riding) Jackson, and Charles Olson : the American cratylus /
Language and the renewal of society in Walt Whitman, Laura (Riding) Jackson, and Charles Olson the American cratylus /
PS310.S7 D87 2001 Genders, races, and religious cultures in modern American poetry, 1908-1934 / 1
PS310.S7 D87 2001eb Genders, Races, and Religious Cultures in Modern American Poetry, 1908-1934 / 1
PS310.S7 F56 2001 "A different sense of power" : problems of community in late-twentieth-century U.S. poetry /
A different sense of power : problems of community in late-twentieth-century U.S. poetry /
PS310.S7 H37 2002 Poetry and the public : the social form of modern U.S. poetics / 1
PS310.S7 K35 1989 Languages of liberation : the social text in contemporary American poetry / 2