Call Number (LC) Title Results
PS3505.A857 D4 Deborah / 1
PS3505.A857 G6 The golden fury / 1
PS3505.A857 G6 1949 The golden fury. 1
PS3505.A857 R6 Roxana. 1
PS3505.A857 R6 1955 Roxana. 1
PS3505.A857 S5 Silver answer. 1
PS3505.A87 One of Ours.
O Pioneers!
Mi Antonia /
PS3505.A87 A15 1965 Willa Cather's collected short fiction, 1892-1912 / 1
PS3505.A87 A16 The kingdom of art: Willa Cather's first principles and critical statements, 1893-1896 / 1
PS3505.A87 A16 1970 The world and the parish : Willa Cather's articles and reviews, 1893-1902 / 3
PS3505.A87 A6 April twilights and other poems / 1
PS3505.A87 A6 1903 April twilights : poems / 1
PS3505.A87 A6 1933a April twilights and other poems / 1
PS3505.A87 A6 1950 Writings from Willa Cather's campus years / 1
PS3505.A87 A6 1956 Five stories / 1
PS3505.A87 A6 1957 Early stories / 1
PS3505.A87 A6 1987 Early novels and stories / 1
PS3505.A87 A6 1987eb Early novels and stories / 1
PS3505.A87 A6 1990 Willa Cather, later novels. 1
PS3505.A87 A6 1992b Stories, poems, and other writings / 2