Call Number (LC) Title Results
PS3511.A86 Z858 Class and character in Faulkner's South / 2
PS3511.A86 Z8585 Faulkner and Black-White relations : a psychoanalytic approach / 1
PS3511.A86 Z8586 1994 A reader's guide to the short stories of William Faulkner / 1
PS3511.A86 Z8588 1989 William Faulkner, American writer : a biography / 1
PS3511.A86 Z85895 The fragile thread : the meaning of form in Faulkner's novels / 2
PS3511.A86 Z859 Faulkner and film / 1
PS3511.A86 Z8596 1989 Faulkner's seacoast of Bohemia / 1
PS3511.A86 Z8597 William Faulkner's gothic domain / 2
PS3511.A86 Z8598 1983 William Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha : "a kind of keystone in the universe" / 1
PS3511.A86 Z86 Yoknapatawpha : Faulkner's "Little postage stamp of native soil" / 1
PS3511.A86 Z866 Faulkner's narrative poetics : style as vision / 1
PS3511.A86 Z87 Faulkner's people : a complete guide and index to characters in the fiction of William Faulkner / 1
PS3511.A86 Z8725 2023 Faulknerista / 1
PS3511.A86 Z873 1983 William Faulkner, the making of a novelist / 2
PS3511.A86 Z8735 2005 Faulkner the storyteller / 1
PS3511.A86 Z8737 1996 William Faulkner and the rites of passage / 2
PS3511.A86 Z875 William Faulkner of Yoknapatawpha County / 1
PS3511.A86 Z877 Faulkner's heroic design : the Yoknapatawpha novels / 1
PS3511A86 Z877 Faulkner's heroic design : the Yoknapatawpha novels / 1
PS3511.A86 Z879 1991 Ordered by words : language and narration in the novels of William Faulkner / 1