Call Number (LC) Title Results
PS3545.H16 Z758 2005 Apart from modernism : Edith Wharton, politics, and fiction before World War I / 1
PS3545.H16 Z77 1999 Edith Wharton's social register / 1
PS3545.H16 Z77 2000 Edith Wharton's social register / 1
PS3545.H16 Z78 1996 The end of the age of innocence : Edith Wharton and the First World War / 1
PS3545.H16 Z8 1977 Edith Wharton / 1
PS3545.H16 Z87 1991 Edith Wharton's prisoners of shame : a new perspective on her neglected fiction / 1
PS3545.H16 Z874 2014eb An author & a gardener : the gardens and friendship of Edith Wharton and Laurence Johnston / 1
PS3545.H16 Z876 2009 Reading Edith Wharton through a Darwinian lens : evolutionary biological issues in her fiction / 2
PS3545.H16 Z877 2011 New York City, "gilt cage" or "promised land"? : representations of urban space in Edith Wharton and Anzia Yezierska / 1
PS3545.H16 Z878 1995 Edith Wharton : matters of mind and spirit / 1
PS3545.H16 Z878 1998eb Edith Wharton : Matters of Mind and Spirit / 1
PS3545.H16 Z8783 2008 The making of Americans in Paris : the autobiographies of Edith Wharton and Gertrude Stein / 1
PS3545.H16 Z8784 2005 Edith Wharton as spatial activist and analyst / 1
PS3545.H16 Z8784 2005eb Edith Wharton as spatial activist and analyst / 1
PS3545.H16 Z8785 2005 Irony in the short stories of Edith Wharton / 1
PS3545.H16 Z8786 1999 Edith Wharton in context : essays on intertextuality / 1
PS3545.H16 Z88 1990 Edith Wharton and the art of fiction / 1
PS3545.H16 Z89 1990 Edith Wharton's letters from the underworld : fictions of women and writing / 1
PS3545.H16 Z89 1991 Edith Wharton's letters from the underworld : fictions of women and writing / 1
PS3545.H16 Z9 1971 Edith Wharton : a critical interpretation. 1