Call Number (LC) Title Results
PS3552.A75 Z56 1994 A reader's guide to John Barth / 1
PS3552.A75 Z58 2007 John Barth and postmodernism : spatiality, travel, montage / 1
PS3552.A75 Z59 Critical essays on John Barth / 1
PS3552.A75 Z625 1990 Understanding John Barth / 2
PS3552.A75 Z68 1983 Passionate virtuosity : the fiction of John Barth / 2
PS3552.A75 Z69 1985 John Barth. 1
PS3552.A75 Z695 2016 John Barth : a body of words / 1
PS3552.A75 Z7 John Barth. 1
PS3552.A75 Z76 1995 Death in the funhouse : John Barth and poststructuralist aesthetics / 1
PS3552.A75 Z8 John Barth : an introduction / 1
PS3552.A75 Z88 1990 The muses of John Barth : tradition and metafiction from Lost in the funhouse to The Tidewater tales / 1
PS3552.A75 Z89 2000 The gamefulness of American postmodernism : John Barth & Louise Erdrich / 1
PS3552.A75 Z9 John Barth : the comic sublimity of paradox / 1
PS3552.A75 Z92 1992 John Barth and the anxiety of continuance / 1
PS3552.A75 Z93 1986 John Barth / 1
PS3552.A75 Z97 1987 John Barth / 1
PS3552.A75 Z97 2015eb John Barth 1
PS3552.A7545 D44 2003 Deeply dug in / 1
PS3552.A7545 S6 1987 A soldier's time : Vietnam war poems / 1
PS3552.A755 O5 1982 One dollar death / 1