Call Number (LC) Title Results
PS3566.O8328 I58 2009 The interrogative mood : a novel? / 1
PS3566.O8328 M7 2000 Mrs. Hollingsworth's men / 2
PS3566.O8328 T9 1991 Typical / 2
PS3566.O8328 W6 1987 A woman named Drown / 1
PS3566.O83578 G73 1994 The grass dancer / 2
PS3566.O83578 R66 2002 Roofwalker / 1
PS3566.O83578 S23 2014 Sacred wilderness / 1
PS3566.O83578 .S23 2014eb Sacred wilderness / 2
PS3566.O8365 G6 1989 God's wild roses / 1
PS3566.O8368 I5 1997 In the memory of the forest : a novel / 2
PS3566.O84 A6 2000 The stories of J.F. Powers / 1
PS3566.O84 L5618 1971 Leones, liebres y corzas que saltan. 1
PS3566.O84 L6 Look how the fish live / 1
PS3566.O84 M6 Morte d'Urban. 1
PS3566.O84 O4 1991 The old bird : a love story / 1
PS3566.O84 O4 1991x The old bird : a love story / 1
PS3566.O84 P7 1948 Prince of Darkness, and other stories / 1
PS3566.O84 P7 1956 The presence of grace / 1
PS3566.O84 W4 1988 Wheat that springeth green / 1
PS3566.O84 Z48 2013 Suitable accommodations : an autobiographical story of family life : the letters of J. F. Powers, 1942-1963 / 1