Call Number (LC) Title Results
PS615 .F69 1981 From A to Z : 200 contemporary American poets : 200 poets from New letters magazine / 1
PS615 .F693 1994 From the other side of the century : a new American poetry, 1960-1990 / 1
PS615 .F694 1998 From the other side of the century II : a new American drama, 1960-1995 / 1
PS615 .F76 From the rookery. 1
PS615 .G33 1989 A Garland for Harry Duncan : minister erato ministrorum. 1
PS615 .G35 1992 A Gathering of poets / 2
PS615 .G38 1984 The Generation of 2000 : contemporary American poets / 1
PS615 .G4 A Geography of poets : an anthology of the new poetry /
A geography of poets : an anthology of the new poetry /
PS615 .G45 1994 The Ghost dance anthology : 25 years of poetry from Ghost dance, 1968-1993 : other kinds of scores / 1
PS615 .G46 1996 The Gertrude Stein awards in innovative American poetry, 1994-1995 / 1
PS615 .G47 New American and Canadian poetry / 1
PS615 .G66 1970z Goodbye brain, I never really loved you, I only wanted your chemicals. 1
PS615 .G7 1989 Greatest hits : a compilation / 1
PS615 .H33 2002 Hammer and blaze : a gathering of contemporary American poets / 2
PS615 .H37 1985 The Harvard book of contemporary American poetry / 3
PS615 .H4 Quickly aging here : some poets of the 1970's. 1
PS615 .H88 1990 Night tennis / 1
PS615 .I49 1986 In the American tree / 2
PS615 .I49 2002 In the American tree : language, realism, poetry / 1
PS615 .K37 Two friends / 1