Call Number (LC) Title Results
PS648.F3 B52 1997 Black swan, white raven / 1
PS648.F3 B663 2017  
PS648.F3 C37 1990 Carmen Miranda's ghost is haunting space station three / 2
PS648.F3 C43 1999b Chicks 'n chained males / 1
PS648.F3 C46 1996 A century of fantasy, 1980-1989 : the greatest stories of the decade / 2
PS648.F3 C67 1985 Cosmic knights / 1
PS648.F3 D48 1987 Devils / 1
PS648.F3 D5 1993 Dinosaur fantastic / 1
PS648.F3 D736 1993 Dragons! / 1
PS648.F3 E5 The berserkers. 1
PS648.F3 E87 1998 The essential Bordertown : a traveller's guide to the edge of Faerie / 1
PS648.F3 E88 1998 Eternal Lovecraft : the persistence of HPL in popular culture / 2
PS648.F3 F3 2003 Fantasy : the best of 2002 / 1
PS648.F3 F34 1991 Famous fantastic mysteries : 30 great tales of fantasy and horror from the classic pulp magazines Famous fantastic mysteries & Fantastic novels / 1
PS648.F3 F344 2001 Fantasmas : supernatural stories by Mexican American writers / 2
PS648.F3 F35 The Fantastic pulps / 1
PS648.F3 F36 Fantasy review. 1
PS648.F3 F36 1983 The Fantasy hall of fame / 2
PS648.F3 F36 1998 The fantasy hall of fame / 1
PS648.F3 .F573 2004 The first heroes : new tales of the Bronze Age / 1