Call Number (LC) Title Results
PT7162.T4 H345 2020 Diebstahl und Raub in den Isländersagas : Einfallstore in die norröne Erzähl- und Vorstellungswelt / 1
PT7162.W47 S8 2022 Werewolves in Old Norse-Icelandic literature : between the monster and the man / 1
PT7162.W56 M67 1991 Sorceress or witch? : the image of gender in medieval Iceland and northern Europe / 1
PT7162.W6 Cold counsel : women in Old Norse literature and mythology : a collection of essays / 1
PT7162.W6 C65 The Cold Counsel : the Women in Old Norse Literature and Myth. 1
PT7162.W6 C65 2002 Cold counsel : women in Old Norse literature and mythology : a collection of essays / 1
PT7162.W6 F35 2015 The bare-sarked warrior : a brief cultural history of battlefield exposure / 1
PT7162.W6 F85 2013 Women in Old Norse literature : bodies, words, and power / 2
PT7162.W6 J6 1996 Old Norse images of women / 1
PT7162.W6 J6 1996eb Old Norse images of women / 1
PT7165 .L65 European sources of Icelandic saga-writing : an essay based on previous studies. 1
PT7165 .S89 2016 Studies in the transmission and reception of Old Norse literature : the Hyperborean muse in European culture / 1
PT7166.E6 R67 1998 The Norse Muse in Britain, 1750-1820 / 1
PT7166.F7 A35 Textes norrois & littérature française du Moyen Age. 1
PT7170 .B73 2022 Historical lacunae and poetic space : a creative approach to Old Norse poetry and poetics / 1
PT7170 .E33 2014 Eddic, Skaldic, and beyond : poetic variety in Medieval Iceland and Norway / 1
PT7170 .E33 2014eb Eddic, skaldic, and beyond : poetic variety in Medieval Iceland and Norway / 1
PT7170.E33 2014eb Eddic, Skaldic, and Beyond : Poetic Variety in Medieval Iceland and Norway. 1
PT7170 .F73 2022 The etiquette of early northern verse / 1
PT7170 .K59 Notationes norroenae : anteckningar till edda och skaldediktning / 1