Call Number (LC) Title Results
PT7170 .O43 2022 Old Norse poetry in performance / 1
PT7170 .R67 2005 A history of old Norse poetry and poetics / 2
PT7170 .S42 1981 Edda, Saga, Skaldendichtung : Aufsätze zur skandinavischen Literatur des Mittelalters / 1
PT7172 .C3 Skaldic verse and Anglo-Saxon history : the Dorothea Coke Memorial Lecture in northern studies delivered at University College London, 17 March 1970. 1
PT7172 .G3 1995 The structure of Old Norse Dróttkvætt poetry / 1
PT7172 .G3 1995eb The structure of Old Norse Dróttkvætt poetry / 1
PT7172 .G84 2001eb Tools of Literacy : the Role of Skaldic Verse in Icelandic Textual Culture of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries / 1
PT7172 .H47 2022 Viking mediologies : a new history of Skaldic poetics / 1
PT7172 .M32 1979 Kenningkunst, ein Beitrag zu einer Poetik der Skaldendichtung / 1
PT7172 .M4 Die Kenningar der Skalden : ein Beitrag zur skaldischen Poetik / 1
PT7172 .N67 2000 Tools of literacy : the role of skaldic verse in Icelandic textual culture of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries / 1
PT7172 .N67 2000eb Tools of literacy : the role of skaldic verse in Icelandic textual culture of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries / 2
PT7172 .O4 Old Norse court poetry : the dróttkvaett stanza / 1
PT7172 .P648 2009 Poetry from the Kings' Sagas 2 : [from c. 1035 to c. 1300] / 1
PT7172 .P66 1991 Viking poems on war and peace : a study in Skaldic narrative / 1
PT7172 .T8 Haraldr the Hard-Ruler and his poets : the Dorothea Coke Memorial Lecture in Northern Studies delivered at University College London, 1 December 1966 / 1
PT7174 .R933 1907 Die Geistlichen Drápur und Dróttkvaettfragmente des Cod. Am. 757 4to . Dissertation . 1
PT7176.E43 S67 1992 Die altnordische heroische Elegie / 1
PT7177 .T8513 2002 The matter of the north : the rise of literary fiction in thirteenth-century Iceland / 1
PT7181 Beyond the Northlands : Viking voyages and the Old Norse sagas /
Poetry in sagas of Icelanders /