PT7239.V6 H48
V̜olo sp̜o : die Weissagung der Seherin / |
1 |
PT7239.V6 S3
Völuspá = The song of the sybil / |
1 |
PT7244 .K57
Den norsk-isländska skaldediktningen / |
1 |
PT7244 .S53 2009
Poetry from the Kings' Sagas 2 : [from c. 1035 to c. 1300] / |
1 |
PT7244 .S53 2017
Poetry from treatises on poetics / |
1 |
PT7245.E5 P64 2017
Poetry from treatises on poetics / |
1 |
PT7245.E5 .P64 2017 vol. 8
Poetry in fornaldarsögur / |
1 |
PT7245.E5 S77 2011eb
Old Norse women's poetry : the voices of female skalds / |
1 |
PT7246.T4 H3 1997
The Haustl̨ong of Þjóðoĺfr of Hvinir / |
1 |
PT7250.A1 J6
Rímnasafn. : Samling af de ældste islandske rimer / |
1 |
PT7252.A1 L3
Christliche Skaldendichtung. |
1 |
PT7255 .M69 1877
Analecta norrœna : Auswahl aus der isländischen und norwegischen Litteratur des Mittelalters / |
1 |
PT7256.E5 M3
Three northern love stories : and other tales / |
1 |
PT7257 .S22 2007eb
Sanctity in the North : Saints, Lives, and Cults in Medieval Scandinavia / |
1 |
PT7257 .S25 2008
Sanctity in the North : saints, lives, and cults in Medieval Scandinavia / |
1 |
PT7259.E5 I2 1897
Icelandic fairy tales / |
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PT7260.F5 A75 2005
The development of Flateyjarbók : Iceland and the Norwegian dynastic crisis of 1389 / |
1 |
PT7261 .A5
Altnordische saga-bibliothek : Heft 1-18 / |
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PT7261 .A5 Hft.17
Drei lygisogur : Egils saga Einhenda ok ́Asmundar Berserkjabana, ́Ala Flekks saga, Flóres saga konungs ok sona hans / |
1 |
PT7261.A5 L38
Laxdoela saga : búid hefir til prentunar Benedikt Sveinsson. |
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