PT8175.B545 Z858 1988
The witch and the goddess in the stories of Isak Dinesen : a feminist reading / |
1 |
PT8175.B545 Z86
Isak Dinesen : a memorial. |
1 |
PT8175.B545 Z89 1982
Isak Dinesen : the life of a storyteller / |
1 |
PT8175.B545 Z9213 1987
The power of Aries : myth and reality in Karen Blixen's life / |
2 |
PT8175.B545 Z93
Isak Dinesen's aesthetics / |
2 |
PT8175.B5465 L8
Luseblomster : digte / |
1 |
PT8175.B5465 Z4
Zustand Harley / |
1 |
PT8175.B55 C37 1977
Carnival : entertainments and posthumous tales / |
1 |
PT8175.B68 S913 1992
Sinner and saint/snyder og helgen : 1939 / |
1 |
PT8175.B743 A76
Ariel : [noveller. |
1 |
PT8175.B743 H513
The story of Börge / |
1 |
PT8175.B743 T5
Thermoplæ : skuespil i fire akter. |
1 |
PT8175.B743 T9
Two minutes of silence : selected short stories / |
1 |
PT8175.B743 Z8
H. C. Branner / |
1 |
PT8175.B8 V313
Van Zanten's happy days : a love story from Pelli Island / |
1 |
Early spring / |
1 |
PT8175.D5 A23 1982
Complete freedom, and other stories / |
1 |
PT8175.D5 A813 2020
PT8175.D5 A815 1987
Gesichter / |
1 |
PT8175.D5 G515 1980
Sucht : Erinnerungen / |
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