Call Number (LC) Title Results
PT9876.15.K55 G83 1999 Guds barmhärtighet / 1
PT9876.15.K55 G8313 2009 God's mercy = Guds barmhärtighet / 2
PT9876.15.K55 H271 1997 Witches' Rings / 1
PT9876.15.K55 H2713 1997 Witches' rings / 1
PT9876.15.K55 H3613 1996 Blackwater / 1
PT9876.15.K55 H371 1997 Witches' Rings / 1
PT9876.15.K55 H8 1988 Hunden / 1
PT9876.15.K55 K85 1995 Kvinnorna och staden / 1
PT9876.15.K55 T7413 1998 Under the snow / 1
PT9876.15.K77 A23 1985 Death's midwives / 1
PT9876.15.K77 D39 1989 The day I began my studies in philosophy and other stories / 2
PT9876.15.K77 F7 1966 Frukostdags / 1
PT9876.15.K93 M67 1973 Mosaik : dikter / 1
PT9876.15.N78 A19 2004 Plays / 1
PT9876.15.N78 K2838 2001 Erzählungen auf Leben und Tod : eine Analyse von Per Olov Enquists "Kapten Nemos bibliotek" / 1
PT9876.15.N78 L5813 2002 The royal physician's visit : a novel / 2
PT9876.15.N78 M3 1967 Magnetisörens femte vinter. 1
PT9876.15.N78 M813 1993 The march of the musicians / 1
PT9876.15.N78 T713 The night of the tribades : a play from 1889 / 2
PT9876.15.N78 Z87 1984 Per Olov Enquist, a critical study / 1