Call Number (LC) Title Results
PZ3.B9165 Dar Dark nights / 1
PZ3.B9165 Fl5 The flower of life. 1
PZ3.B9165 L Limehouse nights / 1
PZ3.B9165 Ni Night-pieces : eighteen tales / 1
PZ3.B9165 Te A tea-shop in Limehouse / 1
PZ3.B922 A3 1923a Alias Red Ryan / 1
PZ3.B922 T9 1917a The tyranny of Eben Tollman / 1
PZ3.B922 W5 1918a When 'Bear Cat' went dry / 1
PZ3.B923 F Frederick the Great and his court. : An historical romance / 1
PZ3.B925 A4 All the living : a novel of one year in the life of William Shakespeare. 1
PZ3.B927 Ro Rooster crows for day / 1
PZ3.B928 F4 The final beast. 1
PZ3.B93PS1214 The pretty sister of José / 1
PZ3.B931 My17 PR4279.B5 My time and what I've done with it / 1
PZ3.B934 Lo PS1214 The lost prince / 1
PZ3.B934 T T. Tembarom / 1
PZ3.B934 T2 That lass o' Lowrie's / 1
PZ3.B93443 Mak The maker of signs : a variety / 1
PZ3.B93444 Asp The asphalt jungle. 1
PZ3.B93444 Cap Captain Lightfoot. 1