Call Number (LC) Title Results
PZ3.S5892 Mag 2 Maigret to the rescue / 1
PZ3.S5892 Maje 1980 PQ2637.I53 Maigret's rival / 1
PZ3.S5892 No No vacation for Maigret / 1
PZ3.S5892 Pe2 Pedigree / 1
PZ3.S5892 Pat2 The patience of Maigret / 1
PZ3.S5892 Sf The shadow falls / 1
PZ3.S5892 Sn The snow was black / 1
PZ3.S5892 Tro Tropic moon / 1
PZ3.S592 B2 PS2848.B2 1864 Beauchampe or, The Kentucky tragedy. A tale of passion / 1
PZ3.S592 Ki PS2848.K5 1864 The kinsmen or, The Black Riders of Congaree. A tale. 1
PZ3.S592 P8 PS2848.P2 The partisan : a tale of the Revolution. 1
PZ3.S592 R2 PS2848.R5 1864 Richard Hurdis a tale of Alabama / 1
PZ3.S592 S10 The scout, or, The black riders of Congaree. 1
PZ3.S592 Sw PS2848.S806 1864 The sword and the distaff or, "Fair, fat, and forty". A story of the South, at the close of the revolution. 1
PZ3.S592 V2 Vasconselos a romance of the New world / 1
PZ3.S592 Wo10 Woodcraft, or, Hawks about the dovecote; a story of the South at the close of the Revolution. 1
PZ3.S592 W PS2848.W404 1864 The wigwam and the cabin 1
PZ3.S592 Y40 The Yemassee / 1
PZ3.S594 G6 1952a The golden hand : by Edith Simon. 1
PZ3.S594 S1 The sable coat / 1