Call Number (LC) Title Results
PZ7.R7982 S9 1967 A Sunday in autumn / 1
PZ7.R7982 Su A Sunday in autumn / 1
PZ7.R79835 H37 1998 Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone / 1
PZ7.R79835 H37163 1999 Harī Pottā to kenja no ishi = Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone / 1
PZ7.R79835 H371645 2003 Harrius Potter et philosophi lapis / 1
PZ7.R79835 H377 1999 Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets / 1
PZ7.R79835 H37718 1999 Harry Potter y la cámara secreta / 1
PZ7.R79835 H3775 2005 Harry Potter and the half-blood prince / 1
PZ7.R79835 H3778 1997 Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone / 1
PZ7.R79835 H3778126 2017 Harry Potter i la pedra filosofal / 1
PZ7.R79835 H3778154 2004 Hareios Potēr kai hē tou philosophou lithos / 1
PZ7.R79835 H3778155 2014 Harry Potter og viskusteinninn / 1
PZ7.R79835 H377818 1999 Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal / 1
PZ7.R79835 H3779 2004 Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban / 1
PZ7.R79835 H37797 2000 Harry Potter and the goblet of fire / 1
PZ7.R79835 H378 2003 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix / 1
PZ7.R79835 H379 2007 Harry Potter and the deathly hallows / 1
PZ7.R79835 H37918 2015 Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte / 1
PZ7.R79835 Haln 2005 Harry Potter and the half-blood prince / 1
PZ7.R79835 Har 1998 Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone / 1