Call Number (LC) Title Results
PREX 2.2:SE 2/2/EXEC.SUM Suitability and security processes review : report to the President. 1
PrEx 2.2:Se 5 Senate/Administration deficit reduction plan. 1
PrEx 2.2:Se 6 Current services estimates for fiscal year 1978 : as required by the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, P.L. 93-344. 1
PrEx 2.2:Se 6/2 Revised final OMB sequester report to the President and Congress for fiscal year 1990. 1
PrEx 2.2:Se 6/3 Final OMB sequester report to the president and Congress for fiscal year 1991. 1
PrEx 2.2:Se 6/3/update OMB sequestration update report to the President and Congress. 1
PREX 2.2:SE 6/4 OMB report pursuant to the Sequestration Transparency Act of 2012 (P.L. 112-155) 1
PrEx 2.2:So 1 Social indicators / 1
PrEx 2.2:Sp 2 Review of the spare parts procurement practices of the Department of Defense. 1
PrEx 2.2:Sp 3/supp Supplement to special analysis D : a report required by the Federal Capital Investment Program Information Act of 1984 (Title II of Public Law 98-501) 1
PrEx 2.2:St 1/987 Employment opportunities with the career staff to the President. 1
PREX 2.2:UN 2 Special report on unemployment statistics : meaning and measurement / 1
PREX 2.2:V 82 A vision of change for America. 2
PREX 2.2:V 82.; PREX 2.2:V 82.; PREX 2.2:V 82; Y 1.1/7:103-49 Vision of Change for America 1
PREX 2.20: Update to the ... Catalog of federal domestic assistance.
Catalog of federal domestic assistance : Federal assistance award data system.
Catalog of federal domestic assistance
Catalog of federal domestic assistance.
PrEx 2.20: Catalog of Federal domestic assistance. 1
PrEx 2.21: Report to the Congress / 1
PrEx 2.22:1 Major system acquisitions : discussion of the application of OMB Circular no. A-109. 1
PREX 2.22:2 A Guide for the acquisition and distribution of commercial products / 1
PREX 2.22:3 Federal system for acquiring audiovisual productions. 1