Call Number (LC) Title Results
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12235 S.rp.1544 Forfeiture of civilian annuities and military retired pay. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12235 S.rp.1545 Federal personnel administration. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12235 S.rp.1546 Regulation of the operation of railroad track motorcars by the Interstate Commerce Commission. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12235 S.rp.1547 Increasing federal payment to state veterans' homes and providing readjustment assistance for post-Korean veterans. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12235 S.rp.1548 Label declaration of pesticide chemicals. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12236 S.rp.1549 Amending the Mineral Leasing Act. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12236 S.rp.1550 Department of Defense appropriation bill, 1961. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12236 S.rp.1551 Amending section 10 of the National Science Foundation Act. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12236 S.rp.1566 Review of certain agency orders. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12236 S.rp.1567 Amendment to Federal Aviation Act of 1958 to authorize limited certificates for supplemental air transportation. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12236 S.rp.1568 Authorizing an extension of time for final proof under the desert land laws under certain conditions. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12236 S.rp.1569 S. 3319, to authorize the Administrator of General Services to release the recapture provisions contained in the conveyance of certain federal property to the City of Little Rock, Ark., and for other purposes. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12236 S.rp.1570 S. 3486, to authorize government agencies to provide quarters, household furniture and equipment, utilities, subsistence, and laundry service to civilian officers and employees of the United States, and for other purposes. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12236 S.rp.1571 Directors of state-controlled member banks. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12236 S.rp.1572 Robert Frost medal. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12236 S.rp.1573 Defense Production Act extension, 1960. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12236 S.rp.1574 State taxation with respect to sales in interstate commerce. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12236 S.rp.1575 Housing Act of 1960. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12236 S.rp.1576 Departments of Labor, and Health, Education, and Welfare, and related agencies appropriation bill, 1961. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12236 S.rp.1577 Donating to the pueblos of Zia and Jemez a tract of land in the Ojo Del Espiritu Santo grant, New Mexico. 1