ProQuest Serial Set Number 12235 S.rp.1512
Amending the act relating to the Small Claims and Conciliation Branch of the Municipal Court of the District of Columbia, and for other purposes. |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 12235 S.rp.1513
Amending the District of Columbia Traffic Act, 1925, as amended. |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 12235 S.rp.1514
Authorizing the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to plan, construct, operate, and maintain a sanitary sewer to connect the Dulles International Airport with the District of Columbia system. |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 12235 S.rp.1515
Amending the District of Columbia Traffic Act, 1925, as amended, to increase the fee charged for learners' permits. |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 12235 S.rp.1516
Amending further certain provisions of the District of Columbia tax laws relating to overpayments and refunds of taxes erroneously collected. |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 12235 S.rp.1517
Providing for the representation of indigents in judicial proceedings in the District of Columbia. |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 12235 S.rp.1518
Supplemental unemployment benefit trusts. |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 12235 S.rp.1519
Providing for the regulation of credit life insurance and credit accident and health insurance in the District of Columbia. |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 12235 S.rp.1520
Amending the Life Insurance Act of the District of Columbia approved June 19, 1934, as amended by the Acts of July 2, 1940 and July 12, 1950. |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 12235 S.rp.1521
Amending the Fire and Casualty Act regulating the business of fire, marine, and casualty insurance in the District of Columbia. |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 12235 S.rp.1522
Amending sections 1 and 5b of the Life Insurance Act for the District of Columbia. |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 12235 S.rp.1523
Amending the Life Insurance Act of the District of Columbia approved June 19, 1934, as amended. |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 12235 S.rp.1524
River and harbor, beach erosion control, and flood control projects. |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 12235 S.rp.1525
Marine Sciences and Research Act. |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 12235 S.rp.1538
State of Connecticut. |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 12235 S.rp.1539
Suspension of section 315 of the Communications Act of 1934 for 1960 Presidential Campaign. |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 12235 S.rp.1540
Extending the period for inspection of vessel communications equipment, etc. |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 12235 S.rp.1541
Century 21 Exposition. |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 12235 S.rp.1542
One hundredth anniversary of the founding of the State of Idaho as a territory. |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 12235 S.rp.1543
Amending the Accidents Reports Act. |
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