Call Number (LC) Title Results
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12238 S.rp.1919 Amending the Trading With the Enemy Act, as amended. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12238 S.rp.1920 Amending section 5 of the War Claims Act of 1948 to provide benefits to certain Guamanians. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12238 S.rp.1921 Settlement of claims of successor organizations for return of vested heirless property. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12238 S.rp.1922 International food for peace resolution. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12238 S.rp.1923 Administered prices bread. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12238 S.rp.1924 Federal Employees' Compensation Act amendments of 1960. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12238 S.rp.1925 Second supplemental appropriation bill, 1961. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12238 S.rp.1927 Increasing the limit of expenditures for inquiries and investigations by the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12238 S.rp.1928 Increasing the limit of expenditures by the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce for a study of the uses of government-licensed media for the dissemination of political opinions, news, and advertising. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12238 S.rp.1929 Increasing the limit of expenditures for the Committee on the Judiciary for its investigation of the administration of antitrust and monopoly laws. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12238 S.rp.1930 Authorizing the erection of a statue of Taras Shevchenko on public grounds in the District of Columbia. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12238 S.rp.1931 Authorizing the erection of a memorial in the District of Columbia to Gen. John J. Pershing. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12238 S.rp.1932 Establishing a National Armed Forces Museum Advisory Board of the Smithsonian Institution, and authorizing expansion of the Armed Forces exhibits therein. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12238 S.rp.1934 Providing for certain World War II losses to American nationals. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12238 S.rp.1935 Increasing lump-sum readjustment payments for members of the Reserve components involuntarily released from active duty. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12238 S.rp.1936 Crediting for retirement and leave purposes of certain internment periods of employees of Japanese ancestry in World War II. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12238 S.rp.1937 Exemption of certain positions in the Library of Congress from the Classification Act. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12238 S.rp.1938 Temporary and permanent positions in the Bureau of the Census. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12238 S.rp.1939 Authorizing the annexation of certain real property of the United States by the City of Wyandotte, Mich. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 12238 S.rp.1940 Sugar. 1