ProQuest Serial Set Number 2615 S.misdoc.32
Letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting resolutions adopted October 31, 1888, at a conference in Paris of members of the British Parliament and the French Chambers in respect to international arbitration. |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 2615 S.misdoc.34
Final report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the recent changes in the relative values of the precious metals. |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 2615 S.misdoc.35
[Resolution to inquire into expediency of amending existing laws regulating jurisdiction of circuit courts of United States.] |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 2615 S.misdoc.36
[Memorial of Edmond P. Watson, for amendments to Constitution concerning laws on marriage, divorce, property and wills.] |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 2615 S.misdoc.37
[Memorial of legislative assembly of Territory of Idaho, against admission of Utah as State.] |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 2615 S.misdoc.38
[French spoliation claims.] |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 2615 S.misdoc.39
[Memorial on division of Territory of Dakota, and admission into Union of northern portion.] |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 2615 S.misdoc.40
[Japanese sufferers by shells from U.S.S. Omaha.] |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 2615 S.misdoc.42
[Concurrent resolution on counting of electoral vote.] |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 2615 S.misdoc.43
Sunday Rest Bill hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Education and Labor, Fiftieth Congress, second session, on Dec. 13, 1888. |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 2615 S.misdoc.44
[Conference report on bill to amend Revised Statutes for protection of girls in District of Columbia.] |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 2615 S.misdoc.45
[Resolution of legislative assembly of Territory of Dakota, on admission into Union.] |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 2615 S.misdoc.46
[Resolution calling for statement of claims for extra allowances to officers and men of Navy.] |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 2615 S.misdoc.47
[Letter of Commissioners of District of Columbia, submitting estimates for grading certain streets.] |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 2615 S.misdoc.48
[Memorial of citizens of Washington Territory for admission into Union.] |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 2615 S.misdoc.49
[Resolution to make inquiry and ascertain amount of certain claims of officers of Navy.] |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 2615 S.misdoc.50
[Resolution to amend Congressional Record by striking out certain remarks of Senator from Louisiana on resolution for investigation of Louisiana election.] |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 2615 S.misdoc.51
[French spoliation claims.] |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 2615 S.misdoc.52
[Protest of citizens of New Mexico against admission of that Territory.] |
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ProQuest Serial Set Number 2615 S.misdoc.53
[Proceedings of Exhibitors' Association of Augusta National Exposition on measures for revival of merchant marine.] |
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