Call Number (LC) Title Results
Q11 .N5 v.435 First Colloquium in Biological Sciences / 1
Q11 .N5 v.437 Acquired immune deficiency syndrome / 1
Q11 .N5 v.440 Discrete geometry and convexity / 1
Q11 .N5 v.442 In vitro fertilization and embryo transfer / 1
Q11 .N5 v.461 First Aspen Winter Physics Conference / 1
Q11 .N5 v.462 Electroconvulsive therapy : clinical and basic research issues / 1
Q11 .N5 v.513 Cell biology of the testis and epididymis / 1
Q11 .N5 v.517 Psychology and educational policy / 1
Q11 .N5 v.524 Biology of the leukotrienes / 2
Q11 .N5 v.529 Fourth Colloquium in Biological Sciences : blood-brain transfer / 2
Q11 .N5 v.530 Biomedical ethics : an Anglo-American dialogue / 1
Q11 .N5 v.531 Neurological applications of implanted drug pumps / 1
Q11 .N5 v.536 Integrability in dynamical systems / 1
Q11 .N5 v.538 Steroid-protein interactions : basic and clinical aspects / 1
Q11 .N5 v.546 Molecular basis of the immune response / 1
Q11 .N5 v.548 Endocrine, metabolic, and immunologic functions of keratinocytes / 2
Q11 .N5 v.550 Cytochrome oxidase : structure, function, and physiopathology / 1
Q11 .N5 v.552 Papers on general topology and related category theory and topological algebra / 1
Q11 .N5 v.555 Combinatorial mathematics : proceedings of the Third International Conference / 1
Q11 .N5 v.562 Prenatal abuse of licit and illicit drugs / 1