Call Number (LC) Title Results
Q11 .N6 vol. 35 art. 1 The organization of the New York Academy of Sciences : its incorporation, its amended charter, its constitution and by-laws, together with a classified list of its members / 1
Q11 .N6 vol. 35 art. 2 The mating behavior of lizards : its bearing on the theory of sexual selection / 1
Q11 .N6 vol. 35 art. 3 Mimosaceae and Caesalpiniaceae of Colombia / 1
Q11 .N6 vol. 36 Yellowstone thermal Myxophyceae / 1
Q11 .N6 vol. 36-37 Yellowstone thermal Myxophyceae / 1
Q11 .N6 vol. 37 art. 1 Osteology, myology and probable evolution of the nematognath pelvic girdle / 1
Q11 .N6 vol. 37 art. 2 Studies of certain sociological and physiological features in the formicidae / 1
Q11 .N6 vol. 37 art. 3 The broad-skulled Pseudocreodi / 1
Q11 .N6 vol. 37 art. 4 Effect of nerve-excitation on potassium in body-fluids / 1
Q11 .N6 vol. 37 art. 5 Morphology, bionomics, and taxonomy of the cestode Dipylidium caninum / 1
Q11 .N6 vol. 38 Molluscan faunas of the Domengine and Arroyo Hondo formations of the California eocene / 1
Q11 .N6 vol. 39 Electrophoresis / 1
Q11 .N6 vol. 39 art. 1 The organization of the New York Academy of Sciences : its incorporation, its amended charter, its constitution and by-laws, together with a classified list of its members / 1
Q11 .N6 vol. 39 art. 2 The morphology and functional evolution of the atlas-axis complex from fish to mammals / 1
Q11 .N6 vol. 39 art. 3 Electrophoresis / 1
Q11 .N6 vol. 39 art. 4 American cities and states : variation and correlation in institutions, activities, and the personal qualities of the residents / 1
Q11 .N6 vol. 39 art. 5 Kinetics in solution / 1
Q11 .N6 vol. 40 Studies on the nutrition of colorless euglenoid flagellates : I. Utilization of inorganic nitrogen by Astasia in pure cultures / 1
Q11 .N6 vol. 40 art. 1 Studies on the nutrition of colorless euglenoid flagellates : I. Utilization of inorganic nitrogen by Astasia in pure cultures / 1
Q11 .N6 vol. 40 art. 2 Free radicals as intermediate steps in the oxidation of organic compounds / 1