Q11 .N6 vol. 571
Fourteenth Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics / |
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Q11 .N6 vol. 572
Occupational health in the 1990s : developing a platform for disease prevention / |
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Q11 .N6 vol. 573
Alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase complexes : organization, regulation, and biomedical ramifications : a tribute to Lester J. Reed / |
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Q11 .N6 vol. 574
Bicarbonate, chloride, and proton transport systems / |
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Q11 .N6 vol. 575
The psychobiology of human eating disorders : preclinical and clinical perspectives / |
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Q11 .N6 vol. 576
Graph theory and its applications : East and West : proceedings of the First China-USA International Graph Theory Conference / |
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Q11 .N6 vol. 577
Ethical issues associated with scientific and technological research for the military / |
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Q11 .N6 vol. 578
The Fourth family of quarks and leptons : second international symposium / |
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Q11 .N6 vol. 579
A decade of neuropeptides : past, present, and future / |
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Q11 .N6 vol. 580
Structure, molecular biology, and pathology of collagen / |
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Q11 .N6 vol. 581
Frontiers in condensed matter theory : proceedings of a US-USSR conference, held in New York City, at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, December 4-8, 1989 / |
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Q11 .N6 vol. 582
Cytokinesis : mechanisms of furrow formation during cell division / |
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Q11 .N6 vol. 583
The uses of linguistics / |
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Q11 .N6 vol. 584
Knowledge, culture, and science in the metropolis : the New York Academy of Sciences, 1817-1970 / |
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Q11 .N6 vol. 585
Vitamin B6 / |
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Q11 .N6 vol. 586
Biochemistry of breast cyst fluid : correlation with breast cancer risk / |
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Q11 .N6 vol. 587
Micronutrients and immune functions / |
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Q11 .N6 vol. 588
Embryonic origins of defective heart development / |
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Q11 .N6 vol. 590
Rickettsiology : current issues and perspectives / |
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Q11 .N6 vol. 591
Mathematical approaches to cardiac arrhythmias / |
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